Statistics & Research about Birmingham,AL - Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Birmingham,AL an area served by Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

2 20TH ST N STE 920
Phone : 205-252-1104

Real estate research for area nearby Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Highland Lakes 410,600 940 2.7
Lipscomb 60,000 562 11.2
Dora 92,000 594 7.7
Brantleyville 43,900 479 13.1
Odenville 154,200 649 5.1
Kimberly 170,700 719 5.1
Hayden 130,800 769 7.1
McDonald Chapel 65400 NA NA
Parrish 75,700 579 9.2
Irondale 136,200 923 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Highland Lakes 12
Lipscomb 421
Dora 1026
Brantleyville 168
Odenville 327
Kimberly 147
Hayden 787
McDonald Chapel 220
Parrish 496
Irondale 1537
Shelby County 13722
Grayson Valley 788
Abernant 412
Gardendale 2072
Dunnavant 57

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lipscomb 74
Dora 131
Odenville 39
Kimberly 14
Hayden 83
McDonald Chapel 13
Parrish 35
Irondale 277
Shelby County 4528
Abernant 31
Gardendale 285
Dunnavant 9

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Lipscomb 63600
Dora 94100
Odenville 158800
Kimberly 106800
Hayden 111200
Parrish 62600
Irondale 131600
Shelby County 139900
Grayson Valley 99300
Abernant 155700
Gardendale 127700

Number of blacks in places near by Alexander Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Highland Lakes 446
Lipscomb 1415
Dora 253
Odenville 228
Kimberly 50
Hayden 78
McDonald Chapel 139
Parrish 241
Irondale 4050
Shelby County 21002
Grayson Valley 1004
Abernant 599
Gardendale 2302