Statistics & Research about Russellville,AL - Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Russellville,AL an area served by Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Phone : 256-332-0330

Real estate research for area nearby Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Colbert County 101,500 601 7.1
Muscle Shoals 130,100 668 6.2
Tishomingo 54,100 388 8.6
Town Creek 63,500 479 9.1
Tuscumbia 87,700 524 7.2
Bexar 69,900 482 8.3
Belgreen 155900 NA NA
Bear Creek 55,400 570 12.3
Brilliant 57,600 330 6.9
Hamilton 82,400 498 7.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Colbert County 6154
Muscle Shoals 1109
Tishomingo 85
Town Creek 120
Tuscumbia 1047
Bexar 103
Belgreen 27
Bear Creek 706
Brilliant 382
Hamilton 1184
Littleville 1010
Vina 170
Haleyville 1422
Hackleburg 403
Florence 6669

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Colbert County 98000
Muscle Shoals 161200
Town Creek 151100
Tuscumbia 125000
Bexar 81400
Bear Creek 24000
Brilliant 88000
Hamilton 91000
Littleville 70000
Vina 18800
Haleyville 58100
Hackleburg 57800
Florence 141200

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Colbert County 13551
Muscle Shoals 3441
Tishomingo 62
Town Creek 219
Tuscumbia 1915
Bexar 611
Belgreen 19
Bear Creek 1223
Brilliant 681
Hamilton 2548
Littleville 2027
Vina 590
Haleyville 1950
Hackleburg 684
Florence 11016

Number of blacks in places near by Cb & S Financial Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Colbert County 8730
Muscle Shoals 2348
Tishomingo 20
Town Creek 273
Tuscumbia 1754
Bexar 52
Brilliant 4
Hamilton 798
Littleville 279
Vina 10
Haleyville 31
Hackleburg 5
Florence 8005