Statistics & Research about Homewood,AL - Conour Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Homewood,AL an area served by Conour Insurance Inc

Phone : 205-942-6655

Real estate research for area nearby Conour Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Johns 124,600 838 8.1
Brookside 129,500 574 5.3
Alabaster 164,000 1040 7.6
Fultondale 124,700 829 8.0
Moody 139,500 843 7.3
Meadowbrook 271,500 1205 5.3
Highland Lakes 410,600 940 2.7
Lipscomb 60,000 562 11.2
Sterrett 78000 NA NA
Irondale 136,200 923 8.1

Number of whites in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
North Johns 4865
Brookside 4120
Alabaster 23059
Fultondale 5606
Moody 21688
Meadowbrook 7929
Highland Lakes 3488
Lipscomb 402
Sterrett 861
Irondale 7583
Greenwood 17270
Midfield 1178
Helena 14430
Locust Fork 8709
Wilton 503

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
North Johns 149
Brookside 9
Alabaster 229
Fultondale 283
Moody 277
Meadowbrook 156
Lipscomb 74
Irondale 277
Greenwood 22
Midfield 65
Helena 31

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
North Johns 175800
Brookside 137200
Alabaster 152700
Fultondale 41100
Moody 132800
Meadowbrook 252900
Lipscomb 9999
Sterrett 9999
Irondale 158400
Greenwood 192300
Midfield 93000
Helena 164600
Locust Fork 84200
Wilton 111600

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Conour Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
North Johns 146600
Brookside 205600
Alabaster 171200
Fultondale 123300
Moody 132700
Meadowbrook 303300
Highland Lakes 415800
Lipscomb 107100
Sterrett 162500
Irondale 188800
Greenwood 225600
Midfield 135100
Helena 162800
Locust Fork 124600
Wilton 103900