Statistics & Research about Tuscaloosa,AL - Hub International Midwest Limited

Here are some statistics & research about Tuscaloosa,AL an area served by Hub International Midwest Limited

Phone : (205) 752-0486

Car dealers nearby Hub International Midwest Limited

Townsend Global Imports

Phone: (205) 553-5882


Phone: (205) 613-6101

Real estate research for area nearby Hub International Midwest Limited

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Greensboro Northeast 98,300 455 5.6
Windham Springs 146,800 1740 14.2
Moundville 119,400 586 5.9
Woodstock 101,900 659 7.8
Big Sandy-Duncanville 127,200 713 6.7
Coker 89,900 550 7.3
Centreville-Brent 87,000 558 7.7
Fosters 143,200 950 8.0
Northport 162,200 784 5.8
Tuscaloosa County 152,300 760 6.0

Number of new houses in places near by Hub International Midwest Limited

Place name Number of new houses
Greensboro Northeast 315000
Windham Springs 9999
Northport 293200
Tuscaloosa County 216000

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Hub International Midwest Limited

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Greensboro Northeast 160
Windham Springs 303
Moundville 196
Woodstock 79
Big Sandy-Duncanville 748
Coker 157
Centreville-Brent 490
Fosters 376
Northport 1704
Tuscaloosa County 12760
Abernant 644
Coaling 140
Centreville 135
Elrod-Moores Bridge-Echola 112
Brookwood 308

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Hub International Midwest Limited

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Greensboro Northeast 413
Windham Springs 900
Moundville 728
Woodstock 400
Big Sandy-Duncanville 2124
Coker 875
Centreville-Brent 2747
Fosters 583
Northport 6648
Tuscaloosa County 37630
Abernant 2651
Coaling 400
Centreville 444
Elrod-Moores Bridge-Echola 331
Brookwood 1025

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Hub International Midwest Limited

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Greensboro Northeast 8
Windham Springs 92
Moundville 13
Woodstock 34
Big Sandy-Duncanville 117
Coker 41
Centreville-Brent 100
Northport 539
Tuscaloosa County 3026
Abernant 145
Coaling 2
Centreville 19
Elrod-Moores Bridge-Echola 12
Brookwood 30