Statistics & Research about Childersburg,AL - Insurance Place

Here are some statistics & research about Childersburg,AL an area served by Insurance Place

33385 HIGHWAY 280 S
Phone : 256-378-7326

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Place

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mignon 42,900 753 21.1
Kellyton 47,800 523 13.1
Waldo 80500 NA NA
Mineral Springs 115,400 690 7.2
Leeds 202,900 754 4.5
Alabaster-Helena 195,400 1009 6.2
Talladega Springs 101,100 563 6.7
Goodwater-Kellyton 52,400 537 12.3
Vincent 114,900 672 7.0
Chelsea 295,500 879 3.6

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Place

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mignon 11
Kellyton 3
Mineral Springs 56
Leeds 454
Alabaster-Helena 1871
Talladega Springs 2
Goodwater-Kellyton 57
Vincent 106
Chelsea 1726
Harpersville 46
Goodwater 54
Wilsonville 53
Brook Highland 1301
Oak Grove 14

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Place

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Mignon 9999
Waldo 38800
Mineral Springs 202100
Leeds 202900
Alabaster-Helena 211600
Goodwater-Kellyton 43700
Vincent 151200
Chelsea 177700
Harpersville 66700
Goodwater 37600
Wilsonville 146600
Brook Highland 350000
Oak Grove 104800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Place

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Kellyton 50000
Mineral Springs 69000
Leeds 131900
Alabaster-Helena 155000
Goodwater-Kellyton 74200
Vincent 95000
Chelsea 156500
Harpersville 130600
Goodwater 66000
Wilsonville 130400
Oak Grove 92500

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Place

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Waldo 56700
Mineral Springs 135900
Leeds 412000
Alabaster-Helena 216200
Talladega Springs 60000
Goodwater-Kellyton 77700
Vincent 115600
Chelsea 310500
Harpersville 153700
Goodwater 24500
Wilsonville 167300
Brook Highland 282100
Oak Grove 150000