Statistics & Research about Hueytown,AL - Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Hueytown,AL an area served by Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Phone : 205-491-3922

Car dealers nearby Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Howard Auto Inc

Phone: 205-369-2631

Real estate research for area nearby Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brook Highland 357,300 836 2.8
Kimberly-Morris 154,400 610 4.7
Coaling 152,000 778 6.1
McDonald Chapel 65400 NA NA
Tarrant 73,300 678 11.1
West Blocton 96,100 609 7.6
Cordova 58,000 408 8.4
Brookwood 105,300 591 6.7
Minor 87,000 638 8.8
Irondale 136,200 923 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Brook Highland 804
Kimberly-Morris 946
Coaling 189
McDonald Chapel 220
Tarrant 913
West Blocton 723
Cordova 619
Brookwood 524
Minor 67
Irondale 1537
Pelham 1948
Rock Creek 40
Sumiton 369
Pinson 463
Alabaster-Helena 7047

Number of whites in places near by Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Brook Highland 4746
Kimberly-Morris 8776
Coaling 1689
McDonald Chapel 664
Tarrant 2651
West Blocton 8470
Cordova 2882
Brookwood 4318
Minor 941
Irondale 7583
Pelham 18540
Rock Creek 1424
Sumiton 2842
Pinson 5161
Alabaster-Helena 100280

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Brook Highland 674
Kimberly-Morris 548
Coaling 140
McDonald Chapel 36
Tarrant 343
West Blocton 466
Cordova 215
Brookwood 308
Minor 62
Irondale 787
Pelham 2177
Rock Creek 36
Sumiton 109
Pinson 576
Alabaster-Helena 12583

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Lacy Grice Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Brook Highland 373700
Kimberly-Morris 150500
Coaling 139800
McDonald Chapel 66300
Tarrant 39500
West Blocton 92000
Cordova 63600
Brookwood 105600
Irondale 188800
Pelham 157900
Rock Creek 153000
Sumiton 177000
Pinson 147800
Alabaster-Helena 191700